Vaccination 2023

When is the Covid Vaccination available for 2023

Will I get a COVID booster in 2023?

People at greatest risk of serious illness from Covid, including care home residents, over 65s and frontline health and social care workers, are eligible for an autumn vaccine booster.

Vaccinations will begin on 18 September for those most at risk, including adult care home residents and people who are immunosuppressed.

Covid Booster 2023 UK

For 2023, the UK continues to offer COVID-19 booster jabs. These supplementary doses aim to sustain and strengthen immunity against emerging variants. This proactive approach helps in combating variants and ensures ongoing protection in the face of evolving covid challenges. Booster jabs are available through NHS services or through our vaccination booking page.

Booking a Covid Booster

In the UK, booking a COVID-19 booster jab is easy. Eligible individuals can book online via our website. Boosters are recommended to enhance immunity, especially for vulnerable groups. Appointments are widely available at our vaccination sites ensuring convenient access for all.

Covid  vaccinations are available to book at Lobley Hill Pharmacy and we are accepting bookings now.

The pharmacy covers areas around Lobley Hill NE11 including:

Gateshead NE 9 NE 11 NE15
Metro Centre NE 10 NE12 NE16

Although anyone can book into our service.

Book your Covid Booster Jab Now